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Deputation Team 1
Headed by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Bro. John S. Drummond
Provincial Grand Senior Warden | Bro. Donald MacKinnon | PM Lodge Biggar Free Operative No. 167 |
Provincial Grand Junior Warden | Bro. Hugh Crawford | PM Lodge Lockhart St. John No. 248 |
Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies | Bro. Alexander Tweed | PM Lodge Hozier No. 912 |
Provincial Grand Architect | Bro. Ian Grieve | PM Lodge St. John No. 187 |
Provincial Grand Tyler | Bro. William Jamieson | PM Lodge Mauldslie No. 1199 |
2nd Steward | Bro. Charles Kearney | WJW Lodge Mauldslie Castle No. 1630 |
4th Steward | Bro. Edward Land | WSW Lodge St. John No. 187 |
6th Steward | Bro. Michael Mathew | PM Lodge Union No. 244 |
7th Steward | Bro. Charlie Lawrie | APM Lodge Hopetoun No. 507 |
10th Steward | Bro. Andy Masson | RWM Lodge Nethan St. John No. 1289 |
11th Steward | Bro. Stuart Colligan | MM Lodge Old St. John No. 21 |
Attending at lodges:
Lodge Union No. 244, Stonehouse | 10th October, 2019 |
Lodge Old St. John No. 21, Lanark | 21st October, 2019 |
Lodge Hozier No. 912, Douglas Water | 12th March, 2020 |
Lodge Mauldslie Castle No. 1630, Law | 16th March, 2020 |
Lodge Nethan St. John No. 1289, Kirkmuirhill | 27th March, 2020 |
Deputation Team 2
Headed by the Worshipful Depute Provincial Grand Master Bro. Gordon Duffin
Provincial Grand Treasurer | Bro. David White | PM Lodge St. Bride No. 118 |
Provincial Grand Almoner | Bro. Archi McGilvary | PM Lodge Wilsontown ‘Ironworks’ St. John No. 236 |
Provincial Grand Senior Deacon | Bro. Robert Jack | PM Lodge Union No. 244 |
Provincial Grand Junior Deacon | Bro.Tom Booth | PM Lodge Mauldslie Castle No. 1630 |
Provincial Grand Bard | Bro. Nelson Stokes | PM Lodge Mauldslie No. 1199 |
Provincial Grand Director of Music | Bro. Joesph Skey | MM Lodge Newlands No. 949 |
Provincial Grand Organist | Bro. J. Euan Edment | PM Lodge St. John No. 187 |
Provincial Grand Standard Bearer | Bro. Ricky McKay | PM Lodge Hozier No. 912 |
Provincial Grand Inner Guard | Bro. James Robertson | MM Lodge Wilsontown ‘Ironworks’ St. John No. 236 |
3rd Steward | Bro. John Thomson | PM Lodge Lockhart St. John No. 248 |
8th Steward | Bro. John Small | MM Lodge St. Bride No. 118 |
Attending at lodges:
Lodge St. Bride No. 118, Douglas | 1st October, 2019 |
Lodge Biggar Free Operative No. 167 | 3rd October, 2019 |
Lodge St. John No. 20, Lesmahagow | 7th October, 2019 |
Lodge Newlands No. 949, Coalburn | 5th March, 2020 |
Lodge Wilsontown ‘Ironworks’ St. John No. 236, Forth | 9th March, 2020 |
Deputation Team 3
Headed by the Worshipful Substitute Provincial Grand Master Bro. Alan Gibb
Provincial Grand Librarian | Bro. Gary Stevenson | PM Lodge Nethan St. John No. 1289 |
Provincial Grand Jeweller | Bro. Andrew White | PM Lodge Abington Arbory No. 1081 |
Provincial Grand Bible Bearer | Bro. William Cowie | PM Lodge Union No. 244 |
Provincial Grand Sword Bearer | Bro. Henry Campbell | PM Lodge St. John No. 20 |
Provincial Grand Marshall | Bro. Craig Leavy | PM Lodge Nethan St. John No. 1289 |
President | Bro. Darren Campbell | PM Lodge Old St. John No. 21 |
Vice President | Bro. James Shields | RWM Lodge St. John No. 20 |
1st Steward | Bro. Alan Smith | RWM Lodge Newlands No. 949 |
5th Steward | Bro. William Weigratz | WJW Lodge Biggar Free Operative No. 167 |
9th Steward | Bro. Robert H. White | PM Lodge St. Bride No. 118 |
12th Steward | Bro. Callum Beattie | RWM Lodge Wilsontown ‘Ironworks’ St. John No. 236 |
13th Steward | Bro. Ian Brown | WSM Lodge Abington Arbory No. 1081 |
Attending at lodges:
Lodge St. John No. 187, Carluke | 17th October, 2019 |
Lodge Lockhart St. John No. 248, Carnwath | 24th October, 2019 |
Lodge Hopetoun No. 507, Leadhills | 7th March, 2020 |
Lodge Abington Arbory No. 1081 | 17th March, 2020 |
Lodge Mauldslie No. 1199, Carstairs | 19th March, 2020 |